Women Shoes: A Brief History Part 1
Well, when we think of shoes, we think why? Why did we need to cover our feet in the first place? Naturally, for the exact reasons that we needed clothes to cover our bodies. And for this very reason, it becomes absolutely necessary to give importance to this kind of ‘feet garbing’ concept, to know how it started and to know how it evolved. Knowing the history of something only helps in understanding how humans and their needs must have evolved, from something absolutely utility-based to a fashion statement.
1550 BC
The first kind of shoes ever recorded were Boat-shaped Egyptian footwear which literally earns its name, as it appeared like a jute container with strings to fasten with the feet. This was surely not meant to provide a lot of comfort but at least to cover the feet properly and to save them from getting hurt by pebbles and sharp objects.
0668 BC
Silk Road Shoes were made totally of hemp all clustered together to take the shape of the foot. It was dug out from an archaeological site in China and also has a lot of decorative value given there is a particular pattern in which they were sewn.
Roman Sandal is thought to be one of the first footwear that was specifically meant to cover the foot entirely, so it was made with extra precision. These sandals were made to fit all, that is, they had a unisex design. Buy women loafers online in India.
There came a time when an unnatural process became popular, it was called ‘Foot Binding’. This was an ill practice in the name of foot garbing as the goal of this footwear was to stunt the growth of a girl’s feet. Small feet were a beauty standard back then in China and for good marriage to happen, it was a valuable thing to have.
Pattens were an add-on concept that was used to cover the shoe from getting dirty. They had an elongated shape and had a strap that would be fastened to the shoe. Want to know something similar, buy t strap flat shoes.
Rounded Toe shoes were introduced, keeping children in mind. This was the most logical way of making a shoe as people realized the toenails were not placed in a very pointed fashion. The rounded toe shoes were mostly buckled and had a very cute look about them.
During the renaissance period, fashion became a priority. Now, garbing the feet was not just about protecting them. It finally was an important thing now to have it look good alongside the dress worn. Broad, square-toed shoes began to have a reputation as they were only worn by those who had a lot of wealth and power. Buy Mojari from online mojari store.
Chopines were a kind of footwear that’d look much like present-day Lady Gaga's eccentric shoe collection. They were like slippers with an elaborate front and the platform not towards the ankle but underneath the toes.
Forked Toes were in fashion for both men and women. The styles of shoes were a really important part of garbing oneself. They were way more embellished, had a wooden heel fitted underneath the ankle area, and were high-end in quality mostly preferred as ‘indoor wear’. Buy peep toes online.